Judith Hall – St Mary Magdalene, Battlefield, Shropshire
Judith has long family links to the Battlefield church, through her father as one of the church’s former long-standing volunteers, who would open and close the church on a daily basis and meet and greet many visitors. Sadly, with her father’s passing, the church went through a period of key access only, which meant a decline in visitor numbers and donations. Following this, Judith took up the responsibilities of her father by opening and closing the church on a daily basis and was instrumental in gathering support for a re-wilding project in the churchyard. The project identified all of the current wild flowers that existed within the area, along with their locations. With support from the local Parochial Church Council, the project enabled a cutting regime of the churchyard allowing both flower and grasses to flourish and reducing the ongoing maintenance costs for the council. Without Judith’s daily commitment to the church, the building would still be through key access only, with reduced visitor numbers and donations in turn.