Professor Maria Dornelas, University of St Andrews, UK
Maria is a professor in the School of Biodiversity at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. Her research focuses on quantifying biodiversity and understanding the processes that shape it. She often works on tropical systems, specifically coral reefs, as well as freshwater fish, mangrove crabs and plants. Her research looks at the growth and decline of communities over tens of years, including understanding the growth and decline of coral reefs and how ecosystems are changing. Maria has engaged in a number of public outreach events such as talking to the BES on ‘Is biodiversity declining?‘. She was also a member of the Young Academy of Scotland, and was positively debating the future of higher education and its resilience in 2020 during the pandemic. Maria contributed to the World Economic Forum discussion on ‘How forest loss has changed biodiversity across the globe over the last 150 years’. Her collaborative work, published in Nature in 2020, has contributed to the debate on vertebrate species decline, showing that average declines in populations do not reflect some rapidly declining species at risk.