Marsh Volunteer Awards with St Mungo’s

This Award is run in partnership with St Mungo’s and recognises some of the organisation’s hundreds of volunteers who support people recovering from homelessness.

From providing outreach services to rough sleepers, to running activity groups and offering information and advice, St Mungo’s’ volunteers offer invaluable support to the organisation’s clients.

In 2019, the following categories were introduced for this Award to reflect the varied contributions that volunteers make across St Mungo’s services. These categories are:

– Ending Rough Sleeping
– Peer Support
– Outstanding Contribution

In light of the pandemic, it was decided that the 2020 Volunteer Awards were increased to reflect the contributions of  more volunteers.

Nominations are gathered by St Mungo’s and judged in partnership with the MCT.

Winners 2024

  • Alex Korda – a volunteer with StreetLink London since December 2018, making him one of the service’s longest standing volunteers.
  • Anne-Marie Crawford – a previous client who has returned to St Mungo’s to offer her lived experience of homelessness by joining the Client Advisory Board, providing insightful and honest feedback on various topics.
  • Chris Dewey – a volunteer who has taken on many roles at St Mungo’s, those including an English tutor, a Digital Inclusion volunteer helping clients engage with technology and a literacy and numeracy tutor.
  • Claudia Cotton – a volunteer at the Hilldrop Road centre for over 20 years, and is being recognised this year with a Long-Service Award for her commitment.
  • Dag Yosief – a dedicated volunteer in the Corporate Partnership Team, contacting corporate partners to raise vital funds.
  • Deon Glasgow – a previous client of St Mungo’s, she now contributes her lived experience as a volunteer, joining interview panels and is a member of the Client Advisory Board.
  • Gavin Winbanks – a member of the team at The Lodge at St Ursula’s, a service which houses 40 clients with an extensive history of rough sleeping and attempts to create more of a hotel experience than the typical hostel experience.
  • Ian Bradshaw – a First Response Volunteer with the Westminster Outreach Service since December 2019 and has so far completed 55 shifts, donating over 200 hours of his time to ensuring that rough sleepers have access to the support that they need.
  • Jason Hale – a volunteer with the HARP Connect service for almost a year, supporting clients both in custody and in the community.
  • K Patrick Cohen – a First Responder volunteer in London, who has since spent almost 90 hours supporting outreach teams to look for and offer support to people sleeping rough.
  • Lilla Szalontai – a Recruitment Support volunteer, identifying new ways for St Mungo’s to attract volunteers and engage with the public.
  • Michael Cassidy – a Digital Inclusion volunteer for almost 4 years, helping clients get to grips with technology and how it can support them to live an independent life.
  • Natasha Perfect – a volunteer with the No Second Night Out Service, dedicated to helping out in a variety of ways.
  • Neil Robbie – a Creative Writing volunteer at Hope Gardens, a supported accommodation facility for men, playing a huge role in engaging clients in expressing themselves through creative means.
  • Radi Ivanov – a First Response Volunteer who has dedicated his time checking referrals that have been made for people sleeping rough in London on behalf of the Outreach Team.
  • Aaron Rowlands –  an Outreach Volunteer since January 2023, mainly working in the Street Intervention Service, a multi-agency team comprising of housing services, substance-use support and enforcement services. 
  • Angel Moudrov – a volunteer with the Recovery College, he runs a Digital Inclusion class which supported clients to engage with technology and learn how to set up an online presence, while also offering a safe space for them to find support. 
  • Jackie Gower – works to promote, raise the profile of, and improve access to the ACE Service which works clients to encourage them to seek support when needed.  Jackie is also a member of the Client Advisory Board.
  • Joe Laflin – an Outreach Volunteer , making himself available when severe weather emergency protocols have been put in place, enabling extra support to staff helping as many people as possible off the streets. 
  • Patrick Floyd – a volunteer at the Men’s Group in Bristol,  engaging well with clients and supporting staff with the organising of the group. Patrick has also volunteered with the Outreach Team and the Recovery College’s walking group.
  • SJ Morris – a volunteer with the ACE Service in Bristol, contributing valuable time and experience to supporting hard-to-reach clients to engage with St Mungo’s services.

Previous Winners


  • Amy Powell – a volunteer with the Digital Recovery College, helping to facilitate classes and engage clients in art.
  • Anastasia McCrear – a longstanding StreetLink Phoneline Volunteer, providing invaluable support to clients to connect them with local services.
  • Anne Queree – a volunteer with the Digital Recovery College, running an Online Book Club encouraging clients to engage with learning and their creativity.
  • Bill Roulston – an outreach volunteer with the Westminster service, responding to alerts of people sleeping rough to help them into accommodation.
  • Christopher Thomas – a previous St Mungo’s client who is now a volunteer Outreach Worker, supporting those who are sleeping rough to engage with services.
  • Claire Taor – a StreetLink Phoneline Volunteer, dedicated to taking calls from rough sleepers, and the public, to signpost them to various services in the local area.
  • Crystal Makepeace – a Communications Volunteer who began supporting the Emergency Hotels through the pandemic, and now supports St Mungo’s with recruitment.
  • David Hann – a volunteer with the Digital Recovery College, running classes to teach clients English as a second language and aid them with their recovery and wellbeing.
  • Domhnall Rintoul – a First Response Volunteer in Bristol, dedicated to giving his time to aid those sleeping rough.
  • Dominic Olins – a First Response Volunteer in London, a volunteer at the Emergency Hotels and a volunteer Advisory Group member.
  • Dyan Culbert – a volunteer Art Group Facilitator, working with clients to create informative artistic teaching sessions and encourage their recovery.
  • Edward Gryko – a Communications and Marketing volunteer, assisting in the recruitment of staff and volunteers and advertising opportunities to a wider audience.
  • Elizabeth Somerville – a StreetLink Phoneline Volunteer, dedicated to taking calls from rough sleepers, and the public, to signpost them to various services in the local area.
  • Emma Read – a volunteer psychotherapist, working closely with clients and providing a much needed psychotherapy presence in the South London St Mungo’s Services.
  • Ermina Van Hoye – an Events and Evaluation volunteer, gathering feedback and reviews of online events and helping to promote learning for volunteers.
  • Graham Marshall – a volunteer with the Digital Recovery College, running classes to teach clients English as a second language.
  • James Hamilton – a Client Advisory Board Member, who provides valuable conversations and ensures that client voices and opinions are represented.
  • Jason Why – an IT Tutor with the Digital Recovery College, engaging with clients to equip them with new skills.
  • Karl Mason – a StreetLink Phoneline Volunteer, dedicated to taking calls from rough sleepers, and the public, to signpost them to various services in the local area.
  • Louise Roders-Vorster – a First Response Volunteer, dedicated to helping those sleeping rough and providing helpful feedback to staff to improve projects.
  • Martin Brcak – a volunteer at the Camden and Waterloo Hotels, providing critical support to the running of the hotels and using his language skills to engage with clients.
  • Peter Park – a Gardening Volunteer, working with residents to teach them how to grow their own food and using his landscaping skills to create a community space for clients.
  • Radka Bartuskova – a volunteer Life Coach with the Digital Recovery College, running weekly sessions to identify goals and obstacles to help clients overcome challenges.
  • Rosalind Cormack – a volunteer at Dean Crescent Women’s Hostel Breakfast Club, cooking weekly for the gardening programme, and creating a safe and positive space.
  • Sinem Askay – a Mindfulness Tutor with the Digital Recovery College, running mindfulness sessions to benefit clients struggling with concentration, stress and anxiety.
  • Sophie Boden – a Prison Housing Advice volunteer, working with clients to make sure their voices are heard and they feel supported when seeking accommodation after prison.
  • Stuart Colquhoun – a StreetLink Phoneline Volunteer, dedicated to helping those sleeping rough and those who may not speak very good English.
  • Tracy Isted – a Client Advisory Board Member, providing insightful commentary on board papers and engaging in discussions to ensure clients perspectives are heard.
  • Yasmin Sheik – a volunteer at Leyton Staging Post, supporting clients and staff to organise projects and weekly exercise classes for those in temporary accommodation.
  • Fred Challis – a longstanding volunteer tutor who runs the ‘Bricks and Mortar’ workshop in London to teach clients new and practical skills

Heroes of the Pandemic

  • Alex Howell – volunteer at The Stay Club Camden
  • Borja Valera – volunteer at The Stay Club Camden
  • Charles Dickson – First Response volunteer
  • Conor Booker – a volunteer with the StreetLink: Referral Line
  • Dan Sutton – Digital Inclusion volunteer while the Recovery College has moved online
  • Emma Lane – a volunteer with the Recovery College
  • Hannah Tiernan – Digital Inclusion volunteer with the online Recovery College
  • Holly McSweene– a long-standing volunteer with the StreetLink: Referral Line
  • Imogen Dubuis-Jenkins – a volunteer at the Waterloo Emergency Hotel 
  • James Ryan – volunteer with the Involvement and Inclusion Team  
  • Jane Parsons – an all-round volunteer, supporting the administration of St Mungo’s
  • Joemarie Flojo  a volunteer at the Waterloo Emergency Hotel 
  • Jon Barbee – a volunteer at the Bristol Emergency Hotel
  • Lee Hanken – an Involvement and Inclusion Team volunteer
  • Lee McDevitt – a volunteer at the Waterloo Emergency Hote
  • Lily Burch – Digital Inclusion volunteer with the online Recovery College
  • Magda Teles – a volunteer at ‘The Stay Club’ Camden 
  • Mark Rowe – long-standing volunteer with the Bristol Outreach Rough Sleeping Services 
  • Martin Shenfield  a First Response volunteer 
  • Nicole Nurse  a Palliative Care and Bereavement Befriender volunteer
  • Quentin Beroud – a volunteer with the Recovery College 
  • Richard Dwight – a volunteer with the Digital Inclusion Team
  • Ruth Gilchrist and Tracey Atkins – volunteers at the Bristol Emergency Hotel (who have completed over 150 shifts between them )
  • Sara Ramos-Pinto – an activities volunteer at Mulberry House and Mews in Bath 
  • Shona Love – Palliative Care and Bereavement Befriender volunteer
  • Stephanie Brazell  a Recovery College volunteer in Bristol 
  • Stuart Shepherd – a volunteer at the Emergency Hotel Leyton 
  • Vera Hegarty – a volunteer with the Recovery College

Marie-Jo Lasme, Matt Wright, Ieva Labanauskaite, Catherine, Angus Duprey and Stephen Williams

Ending Rough Sleeping

Marie-Jo Lasme has been volunteering for the Routes Home Service since November 2018, working with and supporting non-UK rough sleepers in London. She has volunteered for over 200 hours, supporting the service with a range of tasks from welfare checks to networking with relevant services in the UK and internationally, to general office and casework support.

Matt Wright has been a weekly volunteer since 2015, giving up hundreds of hours to assist the Night and Early Morning Outreach Team in Basildon and Thurrock. He has a wealth of local knowledge and a deep understanding of homelessness. He is a very committed volunteer who has made an invaluable contribution to the service, supporting staff and developing good relationships with clients.

Peer Support

Ieva Labanauskaite is a volunteer with the Camden Housing First team, working with some of the most challenging and complex clients. She uses her own experience of recovery to provide knowledge to staff members and empathy to clients. She is an inspiring role model to clients and her empathy, which puts clients at ease, makes her an invaluable asset to the team.

Catherine has ambitiously, and successfully, assisted to shape and build the Diversity and Inclusion programme and opportunities within St Mungo’s. She is instrumental in steering groups and meetings, actioning key objectives and pushing forward her views which have helped create strategies for the wider organisation. She is a previous client and continued to champion the organisation through her commitment as a volunteer.

Outstanding Contribution

Angus Duprey is a Recovery College volunteer, teaching 5 music groups per week and providing 2 afternoons of one to one tuition. His sessions are very popular, and he takes the time to plan them according to the students’ needs and wishes. He is self-sufficient and takes pride in the planning of his sessions, making him a hardworking and dedicated member of the team.

Stephen Williams is a volunteer with Putting Down Roots in Bristol, having previously come to the service as a client. He was always keen to learn and worked hard in the garden, and now shares his enthusiasm for the project through his role as a volunteer. He is a constant presence and is happy to help out with any job, a considerate and dedicated members of the team, ensuring that New Street Recovery College is a welcoming and enjoyable place to work.

Mohammed Khatir, Adil Abdallah, Tee Falcone, Juliet Daniel and Rebecca Read

Volunteer of the Year (London) -Mohammed Khatir and Adil Abdallah

Mohammed and Adil volunteer with the Horn of Africa Health and Wellbeing Project which was set up in 2013 to respond to the needs of individuals from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Sudan who had been affected by homelessness. The project provides advice on entitlements, access to physical and mental health services, work and learning opportunities, community activities and support to overcome isolation. Mohammed and Adil had both previously approached the project for support when they found themselves homeless as a result of being recognised as a refugee and wanted to give something back. They have joined the Client Advisory Group, helping people who approach the project get the most out of the resources available to them and helping themselves to develop their skills and training as volunteers which has helped them in their personal lives.

Outstanding Achievement (London) – Tee Falcone

Tee is a volunteer with the Outside In Women’s Group where she facilitates creative and therapeutic sessions each month with women across St Mungo’s services. She is also a Client Advisory Board Member and meets with the Board of Trustees every 6 weeks to work together on the strategic aims of the organisation and ensure the client voice is heard at the top level of governance. Tee draws on her own experiences and uses this as her motivation when helping other people. She runs craft sessions with clients and has lead on many social meet ups with other volunteers to promote healthy working relationships. Recently, Tee spoke at Parliament on behalf of St Mungo’s at an event led by SafeLives, a charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse. She continues to work full time and uses her annual leave to volunteer, working tirelessly as much as she can to help others through her volunteering role.

Volunteer of the Year (South West) – Juliet Daniel

Juliet is a volunteer with the Bristol Assertive Contact and Engagement (ACE) Service where she gives her time to a number of volunteering roles and is an invaluable asset to the service thanks to her unwavering commitment, enthusiasm and energy. She has an engaging manner, is a very open people-oriented person and is great at building strong and enduring relationships with clients. Juliet has volunteered with the Women’s Morning wellbeing support group for vulnerable ladies with complex needs, the Breathing Space group which provides mental health support for single parents in the deprived area of Knowle West and the LGBTQ+ Group ‘One World’. She is a highly dedicated and reliable volunteer and goes above and beyond what is expected of her by stepping in and helping whenever she is needed.

Outstanding Achievement (South West) – Rebecca Read

Rebecca volunteers as a Peer Mentor at Mulberry House and Mews where she has demonstrated a passion for helping excluded and vulnerable people. While the role was being developed for her, she ran a number of groups in house which were extremely popular with clients. Rebecca offers a different form of arts or crafts each week which engages clients and allows them to try a range of new things. The sessions have been as regular as clockwork since 2017 which has been invaluable for both staff and clients. She has now completed her Peer Mentor training and is now able to offer one-to-one support to clients both at Mulberry and in the local community.

Ben Moon, Fred Challis, Barbara Baldwin and Dave Winwood

Volunteer of the Year (London) – Ben Moon

Ben has been volunteering with St Mungo’s for two years as a peer volunteer with lived experience. He is very committed to his role at the Camden Housing First project, where he assists clients taking part in the new scheme which sees them assigned to permanent accommodation straight away, rather than living in a hostel for some time first. Ben is consistently there for clients, accompanying them to appointments and providing support, and also for staff in providing feedback for a number of volunteer courses which has proved to be invaluable information. He is truly dedicated to supporting people to make positive changes in their lives, and his personal experiences means he is a great role model for clients and is well placed to help them identify and achieve their goals.

Outstanding Achievement (London) – Fred Challis

Fred began volunteering at St Mungo’s in 2013 as part of the PAL team, helping clients get their lives back on track by assisting with housing and job applications. More recently he has become part of the team at the Bricks and Mortar Project, passing on his knowledge and skills as a bricklayer to offer clients a practical skill which they can take forward to get a job. Fred volunteers 3 days a week and has recently qualified as an adult education tutor. He is a real model to the clients at the construction skills project and he is highly valued among the people that he helps.

Volunteer of the Year (South West) – Barbara Baldwin

Barbara has been a volunteer with St Mungo’s Bristol Assertive Contact and Engagement (ACE) Service since its inception in April 2015, after volunteering with St Mungo’s Wellbeing Service for a number of years previously. She volunteers with a number of different groups including the South Asian Sewing Group, the Wet Clinic for street drinkers and the Women’s Morning group. Barbara is also one of four Lone Working Volunteers who accompany clients out and about in the community, providing support that goes above and beyond what staff members are able to do due to time constraints. She is a truly dedicated volunteer and has been so for a long period of time across a variety of roles.

Outstanding Achievement (South West)  – Dave Winwood

Dave is an outreach volunteer with the Compass Centre and since joining the team has demonstrated great skills in working with clients and building relationships with them. His own self-esteem and confidence has also improved greatly during his time as a volunteer, which has meant that he is better placed now to find himself employment. Dave liaises with other agencies on behalf of the clients that he works with, establishing connections through which the clients can improve their own lives. Dave offers advice based on his own experiences and attends a number of courses to develop his own knowledge and to know how to pass this on in the best way.


Jon Young, Claudia Cotton, Adnan Sharif and Caroline Mellers

Overall Winner (London) – Jon Young

Jon runs the weekly Newspaper Club at the ‘Sixty Five’ hostel and has managed to engage many residents, including those who do not normally take part in group activities. He has used his IT skills to provide invaluable support to residents with job searched and IT training. Thanks to Jon, many residents have been able to re-establish contact with family and friends via social media.

Outstanding Achievement (London) – Claudia Cotton

Claudia has been a volunteer at the Hilldrop Road Care Home for over 15 years, running weekly groups and activities for the residents. She has created an Open Studio where she incorporates art, discussion, reflection, geography, history and music, while encouraging self-determination, self-motivation, self-exploration and wellbeing. Her knowledge and experience helps her equip clients with skills to uncover hidden talents and she inspires engagement amongst those who find it hard to interact with others.

Overall Winner (South West) – Adnan Sharif

Adnan is a volunteer at the Compass Centre in Bristol and has been involved with many services including the Peer Advice Link Team, the New Street Community Centre and the Outreach Team, he has supported clients in a variety of ways and uses his own experiences of homelessness to connect with them. Adnan uses his language skills to help clients liaise with the Home Office, doctors and housing advisers and provides much needed support to clients who have little help available to them.

Outstanding Achievement (South West) – Caroline Mellers

Caroline has worked tirelessly on the development of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Charter in Bath and North East Somerset, defining the rights, values and expected standards of support of clients. She proposed the charter as a way of improving the level of support for people with mental health issues, and it will be adopted by services as a way of ensuring that the best help possible is provided.

Maria Overton, Jyoti Kujur, Clare Branigan, Caz Riley and Jen Burnham

Overall Winner (London) – Maria Overton 

Maria is a volunteer at the Old Theatre, a hostel for rough sleepers facing alcohol and drug issues and mental health illness who are some of the most marginalised members of society. She runs a weekly group aimed at breaking down barriers and engaging with residents to support their recovery journey, and also runs a number of social activities for the group. Maria has an approachable and positive manner and her support is greatly appreciated by residents.

Outstanding Achievement (London) – Jyoti Kujur

Jyoti is now a member of the Ealing Outreach Team, having previously volunteered with clients who had complex immigration issues as the main Hindi/Punjabi speaking volunteer. She also regularly accompanies clients to GP appointments, the Indian High Commission, the Home Office and drug and alcohol services that they need to attend.

Outstanding achievement (London) – Clare Branigan

Clare volunteers with the Haringey West Mental Health Support Service, supporting clients with ill mental health, many of whom are recovering from addiction and physical health issues. She runs three activity sessions a week which focus on supporting people in their recovery. The Cookery Club helps clients shop for and prepare a meal which is within their budget. The Women’s Group brings female clients together in a safe space and the Breakfast Club provides a welcoming environment for clients to meet.

Overall Winner (South West) – Caz Riley

Caz began volunteering at the Compass Centre in Bristol while she was recovering from homelessness and addiction, starting in the café before moving to reception and hospitality and becoming an integral part of the front of house team. Recently, she has taken up a more specialist role with a criminal justice worker in the Outreach Team. She is friendly and compassionate and has made an impressive personal journey while helping others along the way.

Outstanding Commitment – Jen Burnham

This one-off Award was presented this year to celebrate one of St Mungo’s Broadway’s most longstanding volunteers. Jen is an art volunteer at the Argyle Street project and has been a driving force behind the client-led Homeless Diamonds arts magazine. She has been a volunteer for 18 years and has made an outstanding contribution to supporting people recovering from homelessness to rebuild their lives.