Celebrating 2020 Award Partner Anniversaries
17 December, 2020The MCT have 38 partners each with different and unique awards that have been running for many years. This year we are pleased to be celebrating a number of different Award Partner anniversaries.
This year will be the 20th anniversary of the Marsh Volunteer of the Year Award for Work with Children, which is run in partnership with Barnardo’s. This Award recognises volunteers who are dedicated to helping children, young people and families across the UK and demonstrate an exceptional level of support and commitment to their role and the clients they support.
The British Ecological Society’s Marsh Ecology Book of the Year Award and the Royal Horticultural Society’s Marsh Horticultural Award have both been running in partnership with the MCT since 2005 and are celebrating their 15th anniversary with the Trust this year.
The British Ecological Society is the oldest ecological society in the world and this Award aims to recognise the contribution authors make to ecology and the importance the role of their books has on the development and influence of ecology. The Royal Horticultural Society Science Award recognises a horticultural science PhD student who has made exceptional progress in their studies and aims to enable them to undertake an activity which will help their career development.
Since 2010, the MCT have been running the Marsh Award for Ornithology and the Marsh Award for Local Ornithology with the British Trust for Ornithology. These Awards recognise ornithologists who are making significant contributions a to the field, and advancing the local knowledge of birds. The Marsh Regional Volunteer Awards with the Churches Conservation Trust is another Award that is celebrating its 10-year anniversary this year. The Awards recognise volunteer groups and individuals from across the UK who work to preserve, protect and promote the use of church spaces.
The Marsh Volunteer Team Award for Historic Vessel Conservation with National Historic Ships and the We Are With You Recovery Awards are celebrating their 5th anniversary with the MCT this year. National Historic Ships focuses on the need of conservation and preservation of historic vessels and the MCT’s Awards with them highlight the valuable contribution that volunteers have given to historic vessels in the UK. We Are With You supports adults, children, young adults and older people to make positive behavioural changes around addiction. The Recovery Awards celebrate people in recovery who inspire others and have raised awareness to combat the stigma associated with substance abuse.
This year has been difficult for many people, including the charity sector. The MCT believes it is still important to recognise those who go above and beyond to make huge, valuable contributions to their field and the Awards give us a great opportunity to celebrate and inspire future winners. Although we could not be together for the Awards Presentations this year, the MCT thanks all of organisations have worked hard to ensure the Award winners were still able to be recognised through virtual presentations, especially those mentioned in this article who we have been able to celebrate longstanding anniversaries with.