Visiting Grantees
09 May, 2022As a grant making body, the MCT provides small charities with continuous annual support towards core funding and creates long-standing relationships with the organisations it supports. The relationships the MCT develop with organisations is an important aspect of the Trusts values. To create personal relations with our grantees, the MCT visits charities all over the country. Due to the coronavirus outbreak and government restrictions, we have not had the opportunity to visit any of our grantees over the last few years. Recently, the MCT have been invited to learn more about the causes our grants support and to meet people who keep these important organisations going. Here are a few we have visited recently:
Azalea is an organisation set up by residents in Luton seeking to find safe, empowering and consistent ways to help women who were being sex trafficked in the local area. As well as providing access to basic facilities, Azalea runs multiple programmes for women and men that include The Flourish Community Hub, Flint and Walking Outreach.
I had the opportunity to attend Azaleas Open Day and view their homely and welcoming space, where they were currently showing an exhibition called ‘Tear and Repair’. Tear and Repair was created and produced by a long-term Azalea volunteer and it shows the personal narratives of 5 women in woven artwork.
Find out more at: www.azalea.org.uk
Clean Rivers Trust
The Clean Rivers Trust was formed in 1990 as a response to declining water quality by researching methods of reducing water pollution in rivers, estuaries, and other inland waters and by educating others to put solutions in place. Although the Trust is based in Birmingham, the work and research they have done over the years has been worldwide. Clean Rivers Trust is known also as a research tool for academics wanting to learn more about the troubles of water pollution and possible solutions.
Find out more at: www.cleanriverstrust.co.uk
National Institute for Conductive Education
The Foundation for Conductive Education is a centre in Birmingham for movement disorders, specialising in providing tailored services to suit the required needs of children and adults suffering from diagnoses including cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and brain injuries.
I was able to visit a service called ‘Positive Parkinson’s Programme’ that is designed for anyone who has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and to hear first-hand about how the classes help those who attend.
Find out more at: www.conductive-education.org.uk
Womankind is an organisation run by women for women across Bristol, that supports women to help to improve their mental health and well-being. Womankind provides professional counselling, group psychotherapy, a befriending scheme and also a helpline service.
I was shown around the building and was able to see where the sessions take place and how the phone and online helplines work. Talking to the women that work at Womankind in different services was an amazing way to learn more about the organisation and just how much of a difference the organisation makes to women in need.
Find out more at: www.womankindbristol.org.uk
Visiting the charities that the MCT supports each year helps us to get a real view of the hard work that the organisation does in their field. I was lucky enough to meet the directors and CEOs from these charities to gain some more insight into the work they provide, and build a stronger connection between our two organisations.
The MCT are always looking to visit long-standing grantees as well as new grantees. Please feel welcome to get in contact with Heather (crombie@bpmarsh.co.uk) to arrange a visit from the MCT.