Home-Start UK

Home-Start UK is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support helping families with young children through their challenging times. Home-Start works with families in communities in the UK, across 204 branches nationwide. Their services  are now a movement around the world and there are now 22 countries on five continents that have Home-Starts providing support for families.

Home-Start volunteers play an important role in helping those in need. They help people to access local services in their area, including those who lack the transport to reach essential services. Home-Start also provides support for young mothers to allow young mums to meet others and to help combat isolation and develop their confidence.

Home-visiting services are tailored to the individual to help families combat many challenges. As well as families, Home-Start focuses on children and young people  with early intervention and their ‘Big Hopes Big Future’ programme to help children build the skills they need for their first day at school.


  • Home-Start UK
  • 4th floor, Arnhem House
  • 31 Waterloo Way
  • Leicester
  • LE1 6LP